THINK YOU LOVE spicy food? You haven’t met the Carolina Reaper tortilla chip, AKA the ‘world’s hottest crisp’.
Yep, there’s just one crisp in the box, because that’s all you’ll need - the challenge is to see how long you can stand it without having to eat or drink something to counteract the burn.
The gang from ITV’s This Morning got their hands on one and, on today’s episode, tasked Phillip Schofield with eating it.
He popped it straight in his mouth with very little preamble, but felt the effects straight away:
“It’s really very, very painful,” says he with just about the straightest face we can imagine. We imagine we’d be on the floor, so well done Schofe.
The segment came at the very end of the programme, meaning they had to cut it off after two minutes…
…But the crew kept recording after they went off air to see just how long he could keep from horsing into cold milk and ice cream (which was being scarfed down by Alison Hammond anyway).
He got to eight minutes and forty seconds before he had to down the milk:
Can’t see the video? Click here.
Poor Holly, all in a flap. “CAN YOU JUST PLEASE EAT SOMETHING?” But he had a point to prove and he was going to stop at nothing.
Happily, he lived to tweet the tale:
We don’t want to be crude, but we will say we are concerned for his digestive system. Some parts of it more than others. Keep us updated, Phil.